Cris Noguer.

Hyperobject water as ancestor, 2025

Water can be understood as a “hyperobject”: something that extends massively across time and space. At the same time, water is the interface where life emerges and exists. It is an entity that precedes us because it exists beyond the time of the clock—an entity that cares for us and upon which we depend. In this sense, water can also be felt as an ancestor. This installation, presented by the transition design cooperative Holon, approaches water from these perspectives.

The proposal explores what it means to design within planetarity. It acknowledges that this shift in scale requires a transformation in our Westernized sensitivity, which often blinds us to the essential interdependence inherent in existence.

Recognizing that language creates both a symbolic and material reality, the installation is a post-human meditation on water as a hyperobject and as an ancestor. It is a machine towards planetary time, where we need new words capable of destabilizing the perspectives from which we approach water.

Words like “terracentrism” help us perceive realities hidden by the belief that we are solely “land beings.” Concepts such as “hydro-exportation” or “hydrocolonization” reveal dynamics of violence that often go unnoticed. Reviving the term “amainar” (to calm or subside) guides us towards an eco-social transformation articulated through “systemic acupuncture.” These words help dismantle the illusion of separation between past and future, here and there, and challenge the belief that water is merely a resource to be used at will.

“Water and Well-being” is an invitation to re-enchant ourselves and expand our sensitivity so that we may engage in a practice that is deeply connected to the world around us, moving towards planetary design.

Original idea and project selection: Cris Noguer
Installation: Marc B. Pedrós, Holon sccl
Text: Andreu Belsunces, Holon sccl
Graphic design: Leandra Boj
Voice: Beatriz Regueira
Sound: Dublab
Topic proposal: Albert Fuster
Original language: Catalan