Cris Noguer.

Material culture and trends, 2019

The still lifes, prototypes and videos featured in this project are the result of in-depth socio-political research. These six trends were developed by Ariane Van de Ven, and are the result of thorough analysis and interviews with artists, thinkers, architects and designers. My role was to materialise these trends in order to make it easy for brands to implement the ideas within the fragrance and perfume industry.

My focus was the link between a certain aesthetic and a set of materials, manufacturing processes, colours, light, textures, etc. My methodology for research and experimentation was based on collecting materials, visiting factories and craftspeople, testing materials, making samples, and then creating sets, photographs, prototypes and methods for mixing textures, colours, materials samples and light.This project makes visible and contextualises new and old technologies that can lead us to more sustainable and alternative manufacturing practices.

Photography by Salva Lopez
Video and art direction by Querida