Cris Noguer.

Casal d’Estiu, 2020

During July and August 2020, I co-curated a set of workshops under the concept of “Shared Self-sufficiency”. A total of 30 workshops relating to the body and mind, habitat and ecosystem, making and mobility.

The aim was to generate a plural perspective and think together about how to place life at the centre, in this key historical moment. To create a fertile space where we could debate, create, think, speculate, talk, teach, learn and discuss, based on what is needed in urban communities to create new ways of living and develop a future based on abundance, health and true connection among us, as well as among other non-human species.

The workshops were held in Barcelona. These were some of the them:

Body & Mind
Fermentation & Oracle by Du-Da
To Be Sound by Mar Medina & Ikram Boulum
The Power of Ritual by Luiza Lacava
Esoteric Astrology by Carla Burgell & Juan Rincon
On Four Legs by Nyam Nyam & Pedro Pineda
Laboratory of Rhythm by Eliana Beltrán & Rocío Campaña

Habitat & Ecosystem
Oven by Tatiana M. Melo
Constructing with Canes by Voltes Coop.
Collectivizing Materials (Biomaterials) by Sara G. De Ubieta
Permaculture by Katarina Kostic & Daniel Trapp
Mycelium by Jessica Dias & Catherine Euale
3D Ceramics by Coudre

Making & Mobility
Kuka by Frothfactory
Cargo Bike by Darjan Gergeli
Natural Finishes by Biofusta
Table Shaker by Germán Peraire
Kayak by Roc Rius

Booklet design by Ines Lorenceau
Photography by Isabell Thrun
A project developed in collaboration with Pedro Pineda at TMDC

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